Calling Robert Fulghum. It appears that some political candidates in Bloomfield need to go back to kindergarten and learn the golden rule. Of course, we’re used to politics getting ugly in Bloomfield, but a circular that went out this weekend from Dianna Fuller, Joe Lopez and Robert DiMarino attacked all their opponents, while failing to include any of their own names, is low by even Bloomfield standards. A whole page of the flyer was directed at incumbent Nicholas Rizzitello. “More experience than any candidate at raising taxes!” it charged. “Hey Nick, how about putting taxpayers first and not politics!”
“It’s a new low,” says fellow incumbent Laura Curcio. “It’s complete character assassination.”

The slate is endorsed by board member Lou Venezia, who was recently criticized in an NJ Department of Education investigation for accepting a $500 campaign contribution from Fairview Insurance Associates and then recommending the vendor to the schools
Curcio, who voted against the school board budget and against hiring Fairview Insurance Associates, has responded with her own letter, excerpted here:

Dear Bloomfield Residents:
You may have received a mailer, not asking you to vote for specific candidates, but telling you why you shouldn’t vote for Nick Rizzitello, Emily Smith, Mary Shaughnessy and myself, Laura Curcio. It is paid for by the same “group” that has paid for all of the Lopez slate’s glossy and abundant literature: Friends of Bloomfield Schools 2009, a group showcased at with Lou Venezia as it’s originator. The slate includes Joe Lopez, Diana Fuller and Robert DiMarino. It showed up Saturday and will continue to appear through Tuesday. Obviously, desperation rears its head for the Lopez team as it viciously attacks Nick Rizzitello and falsely twists sound bites into a damaging “voting record” for each of us. Everyone knows Emily Smith voted yes on the Super’s old contract in 2008 and that Mary Shaughnessy publicly spoke to it. That’s embellished to demean them, too, since they had room on the page!
Nick and I saw this coming and took a bold move: we sent out a joint mailer to inform the voters that the State has investigated actions of this BOE and that it specifically cites Mr Venezia for his campaign contributions from the current health insurance broker and states that there may have been ethical violations in his offering them as our broker and voting for them. (Videos are still available on by searching Bloomfield BOE.) In another portion, it cites a “new member,” not by name, but most residents who have followed the antics of the BOE majority are aware that it is the third incumbent, who’s team paid for the mailing. Our mailer, actually, clarifies many of the false accusations as it contains the truth. Please note that the BOE majority unsuccessfully attempted to squelch the public discussion of the findings of the investigation which would have clearly gone against the State DOE’s instructions.

Here’s Rizzitello’s response:

Dear Bloomfield Citizens,
I would like to address emails that have been sent to me by friends. Apparently, false accusations and innuendos have recently transpired on the Internet. As a Bloomfield resident of over 20 years most people know of my character, which is being called into question. People say when you are targeted you are a threat; I guess I am a threat for the principals I stand for. I would like to address what is factual and undisputable:
* You may contact any Federal, State Department or Agency to see if I am accused of any wrongdoing and you will see I have an impeccable record and character in reference to my chiropractic license, ELEC reports or any other department that has been mentioned.
* You may check or ask for board minutes and find I have never supported any vendor mentioned nor have I ever received any money from any vendor, county committee or individual while serving the board for 15 years.
* I have spent my own money and not tens of thousands of dollars on literature, mailings or signs as the slate has. Who will that slate be obligated to if elected?
* Last year, $6000 was given to a slate of candidates and at candidates night they denied
receiving money or had any political affiliation.
* I would also like to respond to false statements in a mailing about me and tell you why I am indeed worried about politics:
1. “Votes No on proposal to save taxpayer’s $100,000 on health care broker fees” I did vote no. What they are not telling you is the State Department of Education “disclosed violations” and states, “The board inappropriately approved a health care provider contract with a vendor which provided a campaign contribution to a board member.”
2. “Delays Vote on proposal to save taxpayers hundreds of thousand of dollars on school bond refinance.” Fact: The School bond refinance was delayed due Mr. Lopez and four other members not following protocol and not allowing this to initially go to the finance committee, why? Because Mr. Lopez sits on this committee and has not attended one committee meeting.
3. “No Show on vote to rescind over-inflated illegal contracts to save taxpayers
money.” Fact: I voted against the initial contract and could not vote on the “special” meeting which was held at an unusual time of 4:00 knowing I have office hours.
*I voted to remove every illegal student brought to the board, Mr. Lopez has not. Check the minutes. The cost to educate a student in our district is $10,000 per student.
* I am not addressing the repeated reference to my vote against the Athletic Director out of complete respect for him as a district supervisor and the embarrassment these nay sayers are causing. I will only say past protocol and procedures were not followed.
*Go to and type Bloomfield Board of Education to see this board in action.
On a final note, over the 15 years serving on the board, if any allegations were partially true to any degree I would never have gotten the endorsements of the town papers for 6 consecutive terms.
If you have any comments or would like to discuss any issues with me I can be reached at 973.893.0313
Nicholas Rizzitello’s Bloomfield forum
is hopping with accusations and cross-accusations in this uglier-than-usual school board race. Polls are open from 1 to 9 pm. We’ll go out on a limb and conclude that all the board of ed ugliness, combined with a controversial decision to slash F/T special ed aides, will result in a defeat for the $84 million Bloomfield school budget.
In Glen Ridge, polls are open from 7 am to 9 pm. More information on the $27.7 million Glen Ridge school budget here.

11 replies on “Bloomfield School Board Race Turns Nasty”

  1. I wasn’t inclined to vote for Fuller, Lopez, and DiMarino before; now I will definitely not. I was wondering who was behind that smear piece that I received in the mail – thanks to Barista for pulling back the curtain! Dirty and cowardly campaign tactics like this should be punished at the polls. And, one has wonder to whom this group of mudslingers is beholden that they seem so desperate to get (re)elected.

  2. What Pork Roll said and then some. I wasn’t sure who to vote for, and Curcio is not my fav after her vote on the class sizes, but I know who I’m not voting for. Venezia should go back where he came from and take Fuller, Lopez, and DiMarino with him. WTF is up with this town. Can’t people behave like adults?

  3. That mailer sickened me!!!! Did they think because they didn’t “sign” it that people wouldn’t know from whence it came?!?! I know the 2 I’m voting for and I just might write myself in for the 3rd!!!!

  4. I don’t know why of them, especially those who are experienced in, on and around the Bloomfield School Board, would even ADMIT that they are, or would WANT to be. The education in Bloomfield, the system thereof, the politics therein should, IMO hang all of their collective heads, in shame! They carry on worse than their students, in low blows, temper tantrums, false accusations bantering back and forth, and what is the outcome?
    Here *IS* the outcome, and it has NOT changed over the past 12 years!
    The outcome of the empty promises is this:
    The Bloomfield school system students collectively have earned higher scores than these other Essex County towns:
    Newark, Irvington, Orange, East Orange and Belleville.
    H O W E V E R
    The Bloomfield School System students collectively, sadly have been beaten by these
    other Essex County towns:
    Millburn, Maplewood, South Orange, West Orange, West Caldwell, North Caldwell, Fairfield, Caldwell, Glen Ridge, Cedar Grove, Verona, Livingston, Essex Fells, Nutley and Roseland !
    With 16 Towns besting Bloomfield out of 21 – me thinks that’s an eye-opener as to the “Credit” of all those who have had any say in running this school system.
    A much better idea would be to attract individuals from one of the aforementioned districts away from where they are and come take over the reins of Bloomfield. It’s obvious our “Experienced” leaders are NOT !
    Bloomfield’s youth deserve better than 17th place out of 21.

  5. Did you all somehow miss the negative mailer that Nick Rizzitello sent out this weekend? It was filled with nothing but lies. It’s amazing that you characterize one mailer as negative but seem to all together dismiss Rizzitello’s mailer which was the 1st to attack other candidates with lies. What ever happened to an even playing field?

  6. Wait a minute. Rizzitello’s mailer contained quotes from a state issued investigation of the board of education, citing one board member (the founder of Friends of Bloomfield Schools 2009) by his initials, and citing another board member (one of the candidates of Friends of Bloomfield Schools 2009 who is running for reelection) in the matter of the Rice notice & the assistant superintendent. That is hardly the same thing.

  7. SORRY, I omitted Montclair, their students beat out Bloomfield’s too. Sorry for the oversight, was not intentional!

  8. Is it really that difficult to proofread your publications before sending them? What a peeve to see that someone representing the BOE cannot even use the correct form of the word principle in his statement. PrinciPAL, really? And how about some correct punctuation usage by all, incumbents or otherwise? The grammar nut inside of me is having a conniption.

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