Rain or Shine, Bike & Walk Montclair (BMW) will be hosting its 9th annual Tour de Montclair at Brookdale Park on Sunday, May 15.

BMW’s signature event is held each May during National Bike Month, in conjunction with May in Montclair. Last year, the family-friendly drew over 1,000 cyclists, and has grown into a regional celebration of active living. The 2011 theme -– Bikes and Feet on Every Street –- expresses BMW’s twin goals of encouraging people to bike and walk, and making the town’s streets more bike and pedestrian friendly. The event is staffed entirely by volunteers, and BMW invites anyone interested in helping make the day a success to join them. You’ll find more information here.

The tour will have three routes: a one-mile car-free loop within the park, a medium on-road route (8 miles) and a more challenging “long route” around Montclair (14 miles). Walkers can hoof the car-free paths in Brookdale Park and continue on a 4-mile route via the Lenape Trail (a blazed trail that links many attractions and neighborhoods) and the Upper Montclair shopping district.

Helmets and registration are mandatory. For more information and to register, click here. To find out more about being a BMW volunteer, click here.

Bike & Walk Montclair art by Lori Loebelsohn

2 replies on “The 9th Annual Tour de Montclair, 5/15”

  1. Interesting that an organization dedicated to human-powered transportation would go by the same acronym as a prestigious car company, even though it is necessary to transpose the initials in the group’s name.

  2. Zoeae, that’s an editors mistake. We go by Bike&Walk Montclair, or BWM on occasion. It’s really not all that interesting. We hope you can make it to the event this year – it’s fun!


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